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Top 5 Funny Jokes of The Week ft Teacher, Student, Wife, Mother, Son, Sultan, Husband and Parent's

A letter from a teacher to a parent: Dear Parent,
Kamal doesn't smell nice in class. Please try to bath him.
Parent's answer:
Dear Teacher, Kamal is not a rose, Don't smell him,Teach him ......?
Mother to Son: Who is Sultan Aziz?
Son : Don't know ??
Mother : Devote some time to pay attention to study also
Son to Mother : Do you know Aunty Yasmeen?
Mother : Don't know
Son: Sometimes pay attention to Daddy also?
A cute excuse:
Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: Mom & dad were fighting.
Teacher: So what makes you late if they were fighting?
Student: One of my shoes was in mom's hand, and the other in dad's..?
Wife: I hate that beggar.
Husband: Why?
Wife: Rascal, yesterday I gave him food. Today he gave me a book on
"How to Cook !!! ?
Husband came home drunk. To avoid wife's scolding, he took a laptop & started working.
Wife: Did u drink?
Husband : no!
Wife:  Idiot!!! then why are you typing on a suitcase?!!!
Don't laugh alone. Pass it on to your buddies..

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